Falsehoods About Hot Tubs are Floating Around

Thanks, in part, to the internet, many falsehoods about hot tubs are floating around. Some people think they have found some shortcut that will save them money, when in reality, the falsehood actually causes them to have to spend more many. Some people aren’t quite sure what to believe whenever they see or hear something about hot tubs. Well. we are here to clear that up. Here is a handy list of hot tub myths.
Myth- Owning a hot tub is a lot of work.
Not true at all. In fact, hot tubs are easier to maintain than swimming pools because they are covered most of the time. This means you don’t have to spend hours skimming your hot tub. And with the easy chemistry system, you spend very little time sanitizing your hot tub each week.
Myth- Hot tubs are not very sanitary.
Hot tubs are often thought of as unsanitary, especially public ones. The truth of the matter is that hot tub filtration systems are about as big as the one you have for your pool, but cycles through much less water. As long as your hot tub is properly sanitized, then it is very clean.
Myth- You can clean your filters in your dishwasher.
Sure, you can clean your hot tub filter in your dishwasher, if you want to ruin it. The heat and high pressure of your dishwasher will cause your filter to prematurely deteriorate and warp the cartridge. It is best to soak the filters then rinse them off with a hose.
Myth- Clean water has a strong chemical smell.
Whoa, people really believe this? A healthy hot tub will emit a very light chemical odor. If your hot tub has a strong chemical smell, then something is wrong.
Myth- The bigger the pump motor, the better.
If you want to buy the biggest, most powerful pump on the market for your two-seater hot tub, go ahead. But we can tell you this; your hot tub won’t be any cleaner and your electric bill is sure to rise.
Myth- Owning a hot tub is expensive.
A hot tub that is not energy efficient will cost more or if your pump is too big for your hot tub, otherwise, a well-sealing cover and an efficient motor will cost you as little as 14 bucks a month.
Myth- A little bleach in your hot tub water is a great way to keep it clean.
Actually, you want to keep household bleach as far away from your hot tub as possible. Bleach is a harsh chemical that can ruin certain components of your hot tub. Stick with chemicals that are approved for hot tubs.