Hot Tubs and Family Bonding


The families that play together, stay together.

We all know that quality time with our family is paramount in building strong bonds and relationships. Just being together makes a big difference in all of your lives. Family time teaches children about interacting with others, builds confidence and creates everlasting memories.

But there is a problem. Today’s modern family is all about electronic devices, social media and working at home after work. You hardly have time to have meals as a family. You need a way to bring the family together and a hot tub is a perfect solution.

At the end of the day, the family can spend time in the hot tub catching up on the day’s events without the distractions of smartphones or other electronic devices. All you have to do is set aside a few evenings a week that the family can gather in the hot tub.

Spa Max, your hot tub dealer in Corona, offers the reasons why family time is so important.



Build Self-Esteem

Studies show that children who take part in activities and frequent bonding with their parents develop a positive sense of self-worth. When a child feels like they are valued, they feel more positive about themselves and have a positive outlook on their future.

Bonding at home also makes children more sociable at school and makes them better able to make friends.

Creating Memories

Spending time together creates warm and fuzzy memories that will last a lifetime. Children with happy memories are more likely to grow up feeling accepted and are better able to provide the same loving environment for their own children.

That day will come when all of the children will be gone. While you still have them, spend as much time with them as you can so you have memories to look back on.

Stress Relief

Having a close connection to your family means that if someone has a bad day at work or school, they can talk it out and feel better about the situation and better about themselves.

An open conversation in the hot tub is a great way to relieve the stresses of the day and leads to a happy household.

Better Decisions

Studies show that when families spend quality time together, the chances of children getting involved in dangerous activities drops dramatically. Children who spend quality time with their family also get better grades and reach for higher levels of education.

When families spend time together, behavioral problems among the children decreases tremendously. Children who are a part of a tight-knit family are less likely to act out, especially in a violent manner.

Know Them Better

One wonderful benefit of family time is that you get the chance to know your children better. It is not always possible to have dinner together, but you can make the effort to enjoy hot tub time together. This will give you the opportunity to ask how their day was or what is going on in their lives.

It’s perfectly fine to pry a little when bonding as a family.

Raising a Good Person

Family bonding helps your children become better people when they grow up. Research shows that involved families have children that are more inclined to do good deeds.

Healthy Choices

Studies show that quality family time can lead to positive, healthy choices that will decrease the risk of obesity. Basically, a tight-knit family is a fit family.

As the family spends time together and their bond deepens, so will the influence of the parents. This is a positive influence that urges children to make healthy choices regarding exercise and food.

Academic Performance

Children whose parents spend time with them do far better in school than children whose parents spend their time off work pursuing their own interests. You will discover just how much fun it is to read to your children, build forts with them and play games with them. These are fun and rewarding activities families can do together.

Parenting Skills

This is rather important. Children who grow up in tight-knit families that spend time together develop excellent parenting skills and grow up to be fantastic parents.

These are all great reasons to buy a hot tub from Spa Max and implement family time in the spa. Shop now.