Relaxing in Your Hot Tub at Your California Home With Friends is a Great Way to Spend a Weekend Evening

Relaxing in your hot tub at your California home with friends is a great way to spend a weekend evening. But if you are inviting friends who are unfamiliar with hot tub etiquette, you might want to send them this article. There are certain spoken and unspoken rules to follow when you are a hot tub guest. There are also a few safety measures to take into consideration when enjoying a hot tub party. It is important these rules and safety precautions are fully understood and not violated. Let the fun begin
Swimwear (or Lack Thereof)
If you are attending a hot tub party, you should make sure you bring your swimsuit along, obviously. Your swimsuit should be well-fitting and snug because forced water from the hot tub jets can cause an embarrassing moment. At least for you. You also need to ensure your swimsuit does not contain any heavy fibers or dyes, which means you can leave your cutoff jean shorts at home. Also, make sure you wash your suit before you head to the party and don’t forget to rinse it well.
There is always the possibility that the hot tub party comes with an invitation with a clothing optional disclaimer. If this is the case, by all means, leave your suit at home. However, make sure you are entirely clear about the clothing options before you strip down to your birthday suit. You know, to avoid certain embarrassment. After all, you wouldn’t want to embarrass the other partygoers.
Things You Do Not Wear
There are certain things you just don’t wear in a hot tub, some of these items are common sense while others are healthy reminders to keep everyone happy.
Oils and Perfumes
Do not wear oils, perfumes lotions or anything else that can leave a residue. Your guests don’t want to smell like your Axe cologne.
No shoes should be allowed in the hot tub. Not only is this gross, but it can damage your shoes. Also, rinse your feet before entering the hot tub, please.
Take your jewelry off before you enter the hot tub. There is a chance you could lose a piece of jewelry in the tub and the chemicals in the water could ruin some cheap jewelry.
Safety Tips
Here are a few safety precautions to take into serious consideration.
If you have an open cut, you should enjoy the party outside the hot tub. A bandage is simply not sufficient to cover up a wound and it is seriously unhealthy to others.
The food served at a hot tub party should be light as heavy foods might cause drowsiness. It is also best to avoid alcohol as it could leave you incapacitated.
Get giddy somewhere else, not in the hot tub. This is not merely common courtesy, bodily fluids pose a health risk.
Pets and Children
Children can only be in a hot tub for short periods of time and need to be watched all times. Pets don’t belong in the hot tub at all, it is dangerous to them and pretty gross as well.
Here’s to a great hot tub party!