SPA MAX Crazy Deals

SPA MAX Crazy Deals
The only thing crazy going on lately is the long wait to order and receive a new spa.
Spa Max has In Stock, available immediately new and refurbished hot tubs. We get in between 50 – 75 hot tubs per month, sometimes the numbers vary, so feel free to call before you drive down, so you can get an accurate count of what is available for you to see this day.
I get on average 22 new Bellagio Spas monthly.
18 Nordic Hot Tubs about every six months, check for incoming dates.
Cal Spas IN STOCK SPECIALS- As little as 8 per month and as much as 30 per month, we never really know.
Vita Swim Spas, we are allocated three per month.
Refurbished spas, on average we rebuild and sell about 20 per month.