The Most Effective Ways to Treat the Symptoms of a Cold is to Relax in Your California Spa

Are you aware that one of the most effective ways to treat the symptoms of a cold is to relax in your California spa? When you get achy and your nose starts to run, it is a tell-tale sign you are getting a cold. Your first instincts are to rush to the nearest pharmacy and stock up on all sorts of cold medications. You might even buy several cans of chicken soup. While there is nothing wrong with this approach, we have a better idea to combat those nasty aches and runny nose; take a soak in your hot tub.
Hot water has been used as therapy for literally thousands of years. In fact, hot water therapy has been used since before recorded time. Native Americans traveled to hot springs for therapy and the Romans had public bath houses for therapy. Hot water therapy has endured for thousands of years because it works.
When You Have a Cold, Hot is Good
There is some scientific evidence that raising your body temperature will help your body fight cold germs. Even so, sitting in the hot tub when you have a cold is relaxing.
Clear Out Sinuses
Perhaps when you were young your parents made you put your face over a bowl of hot water to clear your nasal passages. Hot tubs accomplish the same thing, but in a much more relaxing way. As you lean back and relax in your hot tub, the steam rises and clears out your throat and nose, enabling you to breathe freely once again. Just remember to have a towel and tissues handy so you can dry your hands and blow your nose as necessary.
Relieve Body Aches
The coughs, sneezes and congestion that comes with a cold are bad enough, but then there are also the aches and pains you must contend with. But before you pop that pain pill, try soaking your aching body in your hot tub, you might be in for a very pleasant surprise. The heat, buoyancy and massage can provide you with instant pain relief. Your hot tub’s powerful jets relax your muscles, increase circulation and dilates blood vessels, working hard to keep your pain at bay.
Improved Sleep
When you are sick, falling asleep can be difficult. And one of the best things for a cold is getting plenty of good sleep. Soaking in the hot waters of your hot tub puts your body and your mind into a deep state of relaxation. Experience this relaxation right before you climb into bed and you will fall asleep faster and the quality of your sleep will have a marked improvement.
Reduce Your Stress Levels
Research has shown that when you have a cold, you are more likely to suffer stress. You can melt that stress away with a therapeutic and relaxing soak in your hot tub.
If you are suffering a cold, get some much-needed relief by soaking in your hot tub. Chicken noodle soup will help as well.