There are a Lot of Hot Tubs Out There Costing Their Owners Money

There are a lot of hot tubs out there right now costing their owners more money than necessary. You see, it takes energy to keep hot tub water heated to the temperature you desire and if your hot tub is covered by an ill-fitting cover or is not well-insulated, it is costing you more than necessary. This holds especially true if you live in an area where the winters are cooler.
Running a hot tub or spa doesn’t have to be a drain on your wallet. Follow these common sense tips to conserve heat in your hot tub and save money on your energy bills.
Good Cover
It’s something many hot tub stores preach; a quality hot tub cover is a great investment. Not only will a good cover keep water from evaporating, but it is the best way in keeping heat from escaping. A good hot tub cover will cost you a little more money, but it will save you money in the long run by reducing your energy costs.
Heat rises, this is why are attics are filled with insulation. The same holds true with a hot tub cover, the good ones are well-insulated and help with heat loss.
Wind Blocks
A cool wind sweeping across the top of your hot tub might feel nice on your face, but it also pulls a lot of heat from the surface. If your hot tub is not protected from the wind, you could be losing heat. You can purchase wind blocks specifically made to protect your hot tub from the wind or there are other options. You can opt to build a small wall around your hot tub to protect it from the wind or you can strategically place or plant shrubs or small trees around your hot tub.
Inspect the Cabinet
Take a look inside your spa cabinet to see if there is space you could add insulation. Also, take a good look to see if there are any gaps where heat can escape, like a mouse hole for example.
Turn Down the Heater
If you aren’t going to be using your hot tub for a few days or longer, turn the heater down to save money. It even makes sense to turn down the heat just a bit after you use the hot tub and turn it back up a few hours before you plan on using it again.
Ease Up on the Blowers
Blowers inject air into the water which makes for an effect that is very soothing and enjoyable, but when you turn them on, they cool down the water. In addition, blowers also consume a lot of energy. So it is best if you turn them on in intervals while enjoying your hot tub.
Clean Filters
Worn out or clogged filters affect the circulation which helps keep your hot tub water hot. In addition, clogged filters put a strain on your motor, making it work harder and increasing the amount of energy it uses.