Turn Off the TV and Sit in a Hot Tub
The hours of inactivity that are required to watch television can kill you. For every two hours you spend watching television a day, the risk of fatal pulmonary embolism is increased by as much as 40 percent. Watching television five hours a day means you are twice as likely to die than those who watch 2.5 hours of television a day. The actual risk of dying from watching too much TV is actually higher because there are other diseases to factor in as well. Read the reasons why your television is killing you and then go sit in your hot tub and lower your blood pressure.
A study conducted in 1960 found an indisputable link between media violence and actual violence. Children who were exposed to violence on television were more likely to behave aggressively than the children who weren’t exposed to violence on television. While some of you might be skeptical, the correlation is said to be similar to that of cigarette smoking and cancer. Not everybody who smokes will get cancer, but it is certainly an influence.
A study at Johns Hopkins University discovered that kids who sat in front of a television set more than two hours of TV a day scored remarkably lower on standardized tests than the kids who didn’t watch as much TV. Yup, watching television can make you dumb.
Another study found that kids and teens who watched the most television garnered the least amount of educational success. Teens who watch less television are more likely to graduate, This is because TV makes you dumb.
High Cholesterol
A study conducted in 1990 investigated cholesterol levels in children who played video games and watched TV. The children who watched more TV had elevated cholesterol levels. Those who sat in front of a television for four hours a day were four times as likely to suffer heart disease later in their lives.
Typically, children who watch a lot of television also don’t get enough exercise and tend to eat unhealthy diets.
Lower Sperm Count
Research shows men who lead sedentary lifestyles, which include watching a lot of television, had sperm counts that were about half of what men who didn’t spend all of their time watching TV had. In fact, the men who exercised at least 14 hours a week has the highest sperm count. So if you want a family, you might want to turn the television off and get up off that couch.
How many hours do you spend a week watching television? If you spend just two hours a day in front of the TV, that adds up to over 700 hours a year that you are wasting away. Besides sitting in a hot tub, there are so many other things you could be doing that are fun and healthy. Like doing things that will raise your sperm count.
Sitting in front of the televisions is not going to help your relationship, or lack thereof. You will never meet your future wife sitting in front of a television binge-watching all of those useless shows.