You Live in Southern California and Think Hot Tubs Require Swimsuits

You have been invited over to a friend’s house for a soak in their hot tub but are really unsure about hot tub etiquette. You live in Southern California and think hot tubs require swimsuits, but your friend is a somewhat uninhibited if not a daring type of soul. That is, you really don’t know what to expect when showing up at this hot tub party. To make matters easier, you study this list of hot tub etiquette and pass it along to your friend to see if there is agreement.
You are not all that comfortable hopping in a hot tub sans swimming suit. This is fine as long as you can accept the fact others may feel just fine hot tubbing in their birthday suits.
There is nothing ruder than going to a hot tub party without a towel. If you happen to forget your towel, borrow one, take it home with you and return it the next day freshly washed and folded neatly.
Before heading to the hot tub party, wash all lotions, fragrances and deodorants from your body. Also, don’t add bubbles or anything else to the hot tub while at the party.
While it is perfectly acceptable to drink while in the hot tub, eating food is a no-no.
If you have any open sores or a rash, then please refrain from getting into the hot tub.
If you insist on taking pictures, please get permission before doing so. Some people might not appreciate photos of themselves in various forms of undress.
Now, go to the hot tub party and have some fun!